
The Crew






The Crew






Joanna Gong

Maid of Honor

When your best friend has also been your roommate for over six years, you know you're stuck with each other for life!  Jo and I first met our freshman year at University of the Pacific bonding over roadtrips with "Chuck", highlighting each other's hair in the hallways of our dorm and pulling all-nighters for organic chemistry exams.  Our friendship grew as we moved from Stockton to San Diego, where we now frequent our favorite bar for our "signature" cocktail and peruse the farmers market in Little Italy for local goods.  Funny enough, Jo refers to herself as our honorary "third wheel", often accompanying us on sushi date nights, belting out Kelly Clarkson songs at concerts, and getting Zoe to come back at the dog park.  Jo is the little sister I've always wanted and I am ecstatic to have her by my side on our special day!

Wiley Lam

Best Man

Jon and Wiley met back at C.K. McClatchy High School and were re-united when Wiley and Trisha were classmates at University of the Pacific.  Wiley always mentions getting his "taste" elevated from hanging around Jon, even so Jon can always count on Wiley to go on an adventurous food expedition or take on a good Crossfit WOD.  Wiley enjoys running and has picked up the Crossfit bug as well.  As a pharmacist for Kaiser in Sacramento, you can always find Wiley running on the levee's in Greenhaven.


Lian Chang


I've always told people Lian is the "girl" version of Jon - she's super humble (yet so accomplished), practical (always on the search for good deals) and a go-getter (knows what she wants and will get it!).  Lian and I also met our freshman year at University of the Pacific, where she approached my dad and I at orientation to ask for directions to the library.  We bonded over sharing dining hall meals (Lian would swipe my weekly unused points!), teaching organic chemistry workshops and one unforgettable snowboard trip to Tahoe where I left Lian at the top of the mountain.  Together, we've explored some of the most beautiful places in the world from rappelling waterfalls in Costa Rica to sunset hikes in Oahu.  I cannot wait for the many memories to come with Lian in planning our upcoming nuptials!   

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Eric Fong


Jon's closest cousin, who was born only 8 months after Jon, has shared a lifetime of friendship from the baby years to becoming old men on the golf course.  Jon and Eric's foundation was built on Legos and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  From playing basketball with Church family as teenagers to taking it to the Cal Poly SLO Intramural Leagues and even playing in the Rock Church League in San Diego, basketball has always been a passion between the two.  They both reside in sunny San Diego today and enjoy working out together or playing golf.


Lynn Inouye


Lynn and I have been friends for 25 years - amazingly, longer than Jon and I have been together! We met on our very first day of kindergarten where we held hands for the entire class and never left each other's sides.  Lynn and I grew up together sharing countless childhood memories including collecting leaves for our pioneer club, getting rained out on our first Girl Scout camping trip, walking to Vic's for free ice cream on report card days and entertaining my high school invention of "lollipop lipstick."  Even now, I look forward to Lynn's truly laugh-out-loud stories at our get-togethers over coffee and hot chocolate or brunch in Sacramento.  It's amazing we've stayed in touch all these years and I'm so excited that Lynn will be a huge part of our wedding events!

Kevin Kirkpatrick


Kevin and Jon probably crossed paths at some point during their time at Cal Poly SLO (there's a picture to prove it), but it wasn't until they both graduated and started working at Amgen that brought them together.  Kevin was the "token" white guy hanging out with all the asians, but that didn't stop him from even becoming Jon's housemate living together in Simi Valley.  Kevin always challenged Jon to become a better runner while Jon always helped Kevin with everything else.  Although Kevin has moved on from Amgen to Microsoft, they still keep in touch regularly and always enjoy a good steak dinner or a boba.

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Sophia Pak


Sophia is the Korean version of Martha Stewart - not only does she make the cutest greeting cards, but she is well-rounded (smart, crafty and athletic!) and well-liked by everyone!  Sophia and I first met as students during our pharmacy school rotations and eventual co-residents at VA San Diego where we spent endless hours PubMed searching at the library and working up patients side-by-side in our basement office.  Outside of work, we bonded over group dinners during Restaurant Week, our shared love for Broadway musicals and getting in touch with our artsy sides (we have a Van Gogh painting and pages of modern calligraphy to prove it!)  I am overjoyed that Sophia will be part of my bridal party on our special day!

Derek Chinn


Derek is Trisha's younger brother, who is currently in school at Midwestern University in Arizona and on his way to becoming a doctor.  Derek and Jon share a strong passion for the Sacramento Kings and are waiting out the long drought from the glory years with Chris Webber, Peja Stojakovic, Vlade Divac and the rest of the gang.  Derek is always ready to take on new adventures finding new hikes wherever he goes.

Natalie Lam

Flower Girl

Natalie is our six-year old spunky niece who loves Disney princesses, all kinds of Legos and cherry tomatoes.  Our highlights of her yearly trip to San Diego include visiting the baby pandas at the zoo, riding the Sky Crusier at Legoland and playing trampoline dodgeball at SkyHigh (crazy!).  She can shake it to every song on Wii Just Dance and we can't wait for her to show off her moves on the dance floor!


Ryan Lam


Ryan is Natalie's younger brother and newest baby of the Wang Family.  Some say he looks just like Jon when he was a little nugget, including the chubby cheeks!  Ryan's smile brings joy to everyone who holds him - without a doubt, he will be the showstopper of the evening!



Flower Puppy

Zoe is our three year old (once Instagram famous) Frenchie who has a personality as big as her ears.  Although she spends most of her day napping in Jon's lap while he works from home, Zoe loves romping at Coronado Beach, making new friends on her walks around Little Italy and "dancing" for chicken jerky treats.  We are elated our little fur baby can attend her parents long-awaited wedding celebration!